Over 200,000 people work in the warehousing industry in the Inland Empire Region moving goods for the largest retailers in the world, like Amazon. Too often warehousing jobs are low paid and lead to injuries for workers. The low job quality and intensity of the industry also has a profound impact on our communities. The Inland Empire has some of the worst air quality in the nation, high rates of asthma, congested highways and low investment in our public spaces. IEAWU is changing that!
We believe every worker should be paid a dignified wage that properly reflects our hard work and the hazardous nature of our jobs. Clear safety standards with proactive and reactive plans should be put in place to protect workers to the best ability. And we deserve to be treated fair and equally without retaliation.
We took the time to survey and gather the input of our coworkers during the spring.
Pay, safety, and retaliation were the main concerns of over 250 of our coworkers!
A Living Wage
$25 Base pay rate for tier 1
$28 Base pay rate for tier 3
$1 Raise for critical roles
$2 Hazard pay for ramp
Health and Safety
Doctor in AmCare
Heat breaks when needed by any worker in easily accessible cool down areas with chairs across all departments
Cold clean drinking water consistently provided and easily accessible across all departments
Safe staffing ratios including mass breaks which ensures adequate head count
No Retaliation
Right to a witness of our choice for meetings with HR, management, and AmCare